Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Am gasit azi un articol tare interesant despre ce anume contine un Kebab - ala pe care il mananca lumea cu atata pofta si care li se pare ca le tine de foame. Am fost si eu in randurile acestor oameni - mancam shawarma cel putin 1 data pe saptamana, but NOT ANYMORE. Mananc acum cat se poate de sanatos, sunt foarte atenta cu vitaminele, mineralele, dozele de grasimi, fibrele si proteinele pe care trebuie sa le asigur organismului in fiecare zi. Si aproape ca am renuntat la carne (nu pentru ca vreau sa devin vegetariana sau ceva de genul acesta, ci pentru ca am observat eu ca ma simt mult mai bine daca nu mananc carne sau daca mananc o carne foarte slaba). Continutul de proteine mi-l iau din oua, nuci si seminte. O sa ma mai documentez putin, sa ma asigur ca nu imi dauneaza in nici un fel sanatatii acest consum redus de carne, dar pana atunci, cititi textul pe care l-am preluat de pe Yahoo UK (care l-a preluat la randu-i de pe SkyNews) si care arata cat rau face organismului un simplu Kebab:

A nationwide sample of the nutritional content of the takeaway meal found the average doner also contained close to an adult's entire daily recommended intake of salt.Before adding salad and sauce the average kebab contained 1,000 calories but researchers found some with 1,990.

Last year food scientists tested a doner kebab containing 140g of fat - twice the amount a woman should eat in a day.This was said to be the calorific equivalent to drinking a wine glass full of cooking oil.The most gut busting kebabs in this latest study provide 346% of a woman's saturated fat intake, close to drinking two wine glasses of cooking oil.Given that 60% of kebabs have been found to contain cholesterol raising trans fats, fans of the takeaway could be risking their health.

Another big finding was that 35% of the meat sent to kebab shops listed a different meat species than was actually contained.

Six kebabs were found to include pork when it was not listed as an ingredient, two of which were described as Halal - which Muslims are permitted to eat.

Christopher Baylis told Sky News Lacors want to make sure everyone is given the right information."The labelling is on the kebabs when they come from the manufacturers. It is bad not to convey exactly what is in the kebab," he said.

The minute weight difference between a small and large kebab is also a problem, said Chairman of Lacors, councillor Geoffrey Theobald.

"With obesity rates rising so rapidly in the UK, portion size is as important as what is being consumed."Reducing portion size is an easy and cost-effective way for small businesses to help people eat sensibly," he said

The study sampled 494 kebabs from 76 councils and found that the calorie count varied up and down the country.The average kebab in the North West of England contained 1,101 calories while in Scotland it was 1,084, in Wales 1,055 and 1,066 in south-west England.The lowest calorie kebabs can be found in Northern Ireland where the snack weighed in at an average of 843.


Anonymous said...

Nu e rau deloc sa nu mananci carne. Eu sunt chiar mai sanatoasa decat inainte (nu mai am lipsa de calciu si nici magneziu si nu mi-au mai aparut carii). Nu stiu dc chiar e ceva legatura intre carii si carne, dar atat eu cat si Andrei nu mai avem probleme noi cu dintii de cand am renuntat la carne. Carnea putrezeste.

Doua linkuri interesante:

Si cand vii in Ro iti iau cartea Copilul Vegetarian al Elenei Pride. Nu e doar pt copii, poti afla foarte multe chestii interesante despre dieta vegetariana.

Anonymous said...

si am uitat sa spun, ma bucur mereu sa vad oameni interesati de ceea ce mananca.
Eu nu ii inteleg pe oamenii care isi cumpara haine scumpe, vacante scumpe, dar la mancare se zgarcesc si cumpara ce e mai ieftin.
Hei! Cel mai important este ceea ce bagi in tine, din asta traiesti. Si e normal ca mancarea sanatoasa sa fie mai scumpa :)
Exista mezeluri mai ieftine decat mancare pe care o iau catelului. Chiar nu as cumpara asa ceva!! :))

Veronica said...

Adelle, multumesc pt links. m-am uitat pe wiki si according definitiilor lor, as fi un fel de semi-vegetariana acum :D ca peste inca mananc si chiar imi place, si mai fac si supa de pui (chiar daca nu mananc carnea, dar ii da gust)

Anonymous said...

take a look
