Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ghost City

Scott a descoperit un blog fascinant, cu multe poze si observatii ale unei fete care calatoreste cu motocictela prin pustiele pamanturi care inconjoara Cernobal-ul. Sentimentul dezastrului si al golului si al neputintei si al lipsei de viata domina randurile scrise de Elena, dar tot ce scrie arata o realitate crunta dar cat se poate de adevarata. Printre randurile fetei, am gasit urmatoarele:

New beginning

Children had to part with their favourite toys. People had to leave everything, from photos of their grandparents to cars. Their clothes, cash and passports has all been changed by state authorities. Incredibly, people had homes, motorcycles, garages, cars, country houses, they had money, friends and relatives. People had their lives. Each had their own niche. And then in a matter of hours , their entire world fell to pieces.

After a few hours trip in an army vehicle, they stood under a shower, washing away radiation. Then they stepped in a new life, naked with no home, no friends, no money, no past and with a very doubtful future. ramas cu un gust amar - pentru ca asemanarea dintre ce a insemnat Anglia pentru mine si Cernobal nu este prea mare... I have left everything behind, heading to nowhere and hoping for a new beginning.


LiaLia said...

Stiu de multa vreme site-ul fetei, am vazut si nu stiu cate filme, tot sinistru ramane ... Dar comparatia ta de la sfarsit mi s-a parut a little bit too much, don't you think? :) Pup you

Veronica said...

nu :D pt ca atunci cand am citit entry-ul acela cu New beginning, mai exact partea asta: 'people had homes, motorcycles, garages, cars, country houses, they had money, friends and relatives. People had their lives. ' si apoi asta 'they stepped in a new life, naked with no home, no friends, no money, no past and with a very doubtful future.' mi se parea muuult prea cunoscut totul ;) eh, poveste lunga, iti scriu eu mai multe pe mail ;)